Real Kids Real Food

Our Mission

To prevent obesity, chronic disease and malnutrition especially in children through education and advocacy of healthy living.

Implementing Our Mission

  • Educating children and their families on the relationship between the food they eat and their overall health and wellness
  • Engaging children in hands-on learning of growing, harvesting, and preparing their own fruits and vegetables
  • Providing a fun environment that includes physical exercise and emotional wellbeing
  • Making a difference one child at a time


About Real Kids Real Food

In 2008, Betsy Bragg created programs to help others prevent obesity, chronic disease, and malnutrition, especially in children, through healthy living. She became director of “Optimum Health Solution” what is now Eat to Thrive (aka. ETT) for adults and Real Kids Real Food (aka. RKRF) for children. She authored Eat to Thrive: 10-Weeks to Lifelong Healthy Habits and Healthy Living, Real Kids Real Food Kids-Tested Recipes, and Real Kids Real Food (RKRF) Lesson Plans.  She was the recipient of the 2014 Humanitarian Service Award for educating hundreds of youth to improve their health.


Our FREE Program

  • Hands-on, integrated, and effective educational activities, short quizzes, and weekly reflections and the introduction of new recipes including the nutritional benefits of the ingredients
  • Empowerment of children to make nutritious choices
  • Opportunities for older children to experience reading nutritional labels and shopping within a reasonable budget
  • Development of healthy habits such as washing hands and preparing fruits and vegetables
  • Education of parents regarding healthy and affordable grocery shopping techniques
  • Provision of recipe ingredients to be delivered FREE of charge to those facing food insecurity, thanks to donations

Our 3 Important Components


  • Expanding knowledge and implementation of physical activities
  • Aerobic instruction, skits and games
  • Discussions and reflecting
  • Promoting positive body image
  • Mindfulness


  • Infrastructure and/or policy work
  • Food/nutrition programming
  • Physical activity
  • Promoting healthy after-school snacks and healthy parent potlucks


  • Integrating the above components with current environmental issues
  • Discovering the various causes and global effects of climate change, including how food choices and access impact the environment
  • Discussions addressing environmental justice and ways to be an agent of change in your community

Program Structure

Enhancing the Farm to School program, Real Kids Real Food offers an exciting virtual experience-based program for ages 3-18 designed around four components:

  1. Preparing recipes and the benefits of healthy foods
  2. Emotional wellbeing: chronic stress prevention and intervention
  3. Disease prevention such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease
  4. Integrating these components with climate change and actions that can be taken to make a difference. Real Kids Real Food is taught by a certified health instructor with the support of many university interns in public health and/or education.

Kids’ Testimonials:

We don’t want you to take our word for it that this program is life-changing. Here we have included some testimonials from kids who have participated in Real Kids Real Food talking about what they liked most and what they will remember from the program.

“The teachers were very nice and I liked cooking together. I liked when we made brownies and salad.”

Maliya, Age 5

Jacob’s favorite activity was dancing to songs especially the “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes” song. Even though he was not able to participate in all sessions, he enjoyed the club and the activities.

Jacob, Age 4

Riley really enjoyed making the recipes with the Real Kids Real Foods Club this winter – her favorite was guacamole! She also enjoyed learning new yoga poses and playing “Simon Says”. The instructors made the class very interactive and Riley looked forward to joining every week.

Riley, Age 4

Ambar did enjoy the activity with the plants and see them grow. She also
enjoyed cooking, especially the salad. AMBAR also enjoyed coloring.

Ambar, Age 5

Bernice has been waiting for the meetings every Saturday; she likes it so
much. She liked the following recipes recipes: celery+peanut butter, the salad+avocado, the banana ice cream, and the brownie. Bernice enjoyed planting [as] she explains the procedure for planting on zoom for her school class. She can talk about the good sugars and bad sugars. She has learned a lot.

Bernice, Age 5

Layla enjoyed most was mixing all the Ingredients together and knowing it
was healthy foods.

Layla, Age 4

Shayna has enjoyed all the classes and that’s why she couldn’t wanna miss out any lesson. Her favorite part of the lessons was recipes and yoga time. Some of the recipes that couldn’t go unnoticed was making guacamole” and “ants on a log”.

Shayna will always live to remember and recommend her friends to join the program in future.

Shayna, Age 3

CLICK HERE to view more testimonials from our lovely kids