In the News and Around the Web
March 10, 2025:
Read this article Benefits of the Real Kids Real Food Program in an Age of Declining Health, written by Avnish Kumar.
Linked below in a post:

Benefits of the Real Kids Real Food Program in an Age of Declining Health
This article discusses the growing decline in youth heath, which are attributed to poor nutrition, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles, highlighting long-term consequences on children. The article goes on to discuss how the Real Kids Real Food program combats these issues, which include plant-based nutrition, hands-on food preparation, physical activity, as well as mindfulness practices.
Other news:
Real Kids Real Food has been featured as part of Project CHOP!
May 27, 2017: Read the article Taste the Rainbow: Kids Learn How Delicious Vegetables Can Be!
at the link and take a look around the site to find out about other health and nutrition programs geared towards children across the country.