What is local food and seasonal food?




Local food is picked in the last 24 hours, and seasonal food is picked at its peak taste.

If your food has had to travel from abroad it won’t be as fresh and will often have been picked before it is ripe.

Fresh food is also healthier for you than processed food.






Benefit 1: Better for your health


Nutritional value of the food is much higher

because it is consumed much closer to the time of harvest.





Benefit 2: Fantastic Flavor


You will get fresher and sweeter flavor by choosing local and #seasonal food.

By picking it up at the right time, you will get the food that is in the best condition!








Benefit 3: Cost Less


Local foods don’t need import taxes, and farmers don’t need to pay the transportation fee,

which makes them economical.







Benefit 4: Support Local Community


Buy local food to support farmers! Promote local economy,

and get more healthy food!





Benefit 5: Reduce Carbon Footprint


There is less transportation, refrigeration and fewer hot houses, all of which helps to reduce air pollution.

Just walking toward healthy!






Reference: https://www.atalianservest.co.uk/four-benefits-of-using-fresh-in-season-and-local/