Real Kids Real Food Counselor Ages 13-18 In the Fall of 2020

I have enjoyed the fun of both teaching kids and learning in the 9-week program. I have studied physiology, environment, justice, and health separately in the field of biology, environmental science, politics, and public policy. However, it is now until this class that I link everything together. And I think we need more people understanding the intersectionality of these concepts and fields. We should recognize both how climate change is happening on a grand level, and how we can eat greener to lower carbon footprint on a micro level.

I am really glad to make any contribution in the green movement. I also really enjoy working with other counselors in our climate justice team. Selena always shares good ideas about Veganism; Solomon has an impressive understanding of public health; Divam has deep connection with the teenagers we work with and really explains every concept neatly. It is very fortunate to work in such a team and I was fortunate to learn to organize meetings and check in with everyone’s work. By the end of the class, our participants told us about their real-life transformation in eating less meat, less fat, and less sugar. I feel genuinely happy and fulfilled the moment I heard those words.