Real Kids Real Food Counselor Ages 13-18 In the Fall of 2020

I always thought of eating healthy as a hard lifestyle that I could never do, especially at my present age of 16. I never knew all the complete benefits of it either. Before I started this program I didn’t know how to start having a healthier lifestyle. The first steps I learned were eating better, exercising more, and being stress-free. As a teenager, I never knew how to actually incorporate this in my daily life. That is why I think that Real Kids Real Food is so beneficial to me as an intern and also for the other kids. Knowing more information about a plant-based diet, what is actually in the food I eat, and overall facts on the world that we live in, was exciting to learn.

Each week when I prepared for the lesson plan I grew even more excited to do it; week after week because being healthy became fun. Another reason I loved interning at this program is because of the real reactions that the kids had about how the choices they made affected the environment, and the climate justice problems happening in the world. The deep and profound discussions we had about how we can minimize the issues that are happening were very unique and informative.
Overall my whole experience has been great because I had the opportunity to help others and teach myself more knowledge about having a proper lifestyle and social justice.